EE 476: Laboratory 3

Security system


You will produce a security system with keypad and LED display. The security system will be controlled by and report to a administrators PC. The operation of the PC interface and keypad interface must be fully concurrent.


The Keypad:

You will need to get user input from a keypad as you did in the last lab. The keypad must be debounced.

Serial connection to the PC:

Be sure to read the serial communication page. The serial port on the STK500 board should be connected to the COM port of the PC which has the USB dongle. There is also a jumper on the STK500 which must be added to enable the serial port. On the PC, the terminal program should be set to 9600 baud, no parity, one stop bit, and no flow control.


Write a program in C for the microcontroller with these specifications:

When you demonstrate the program to a staff member, you should exercise the keyboard entry functions and PC commands simultaneously.

Your written lab report should include:

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