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Design of a fully integrated toolkit for system generation

This project was the design of a software and hardware toolkit for the purpose of implementing a fully featured system on chip computer. This required the accurate design of all the different sub systems and architectural systems that had to be put together to get a program running on such a system. Below is a diagram of a demo configuration of the system which supports user input through a PS2 keyboard and output through a VGA monitor.



This project involved the design of a variety of different hardware modules of varying functionlity. They all follow the appropriate interfacing standards to interface with peripherals or with other modules.

Network Driven Microprocessor Architecture CPU

The NDMA cpu core is designed based on the instruction encoding scheme of MIPS but this is where most of the similarities lie. The CPU is an overlapped execution CPU where the PC is incremented on the negative edge of the clock, which will then make all of the values of the current instruction valid by the next negative when the register file is written to. The advantage, however, is that on the positive edge the quick compare result and ALU results will be valid so that the PC will be incremented to the right spot without need of a branch delay. Also the load needs no delay due to a dedicated data memory which cost is offset in software complexity. This allows for a very close to completely RISC architecture ideal for network based multiprocesser mesh networks.

The CPU uses a dedicated in/out register module which is used to interface the CPU with outside modules. Also the architecure contains instructions for the purpose of network driven operation but this has been disabled for the current project and will be enabled in the near future.

Below is a table listing all of the supported instructions for the CPU. This demo CPU does not have a multiply enabled however it is written into the verilog code and could be enabled. Since the FPGA has dedicated multiplys this would meet the timing requirements (however the divide does not so it is suggested not to enable this unit but rather in the future add a dedicated mult/div unit which will halt the CPU until done.

Instruction Status
Memory Operations
lw Load Word yes
lh Load half word yes
lhu Load half word unsigned yes
lb Load byte yes
lbu Load byte unsigned yes
sw Store word yes
sh Store half word yes
sb Store byte yes
Immediate Ops
addi Add immediate yes
addiu Add immediate unsigned yes
lui Load upper immediate yes
slti Set less than immediate yes
sltiu Set less than immediate unsigned yes
andi And immediate yes
xori Exclusive OR immediate yes
ori OR immediate yes
smsg Send message to CPU yes
rmsg Receive message from CPU some
sid Set processor ID yes
Register Instructions
add Register add yes
addu Unsigned register add yes
sub Register subtract yes
subu Unsigned register substract yes
and Register AND yes
or Register OR yes
xor Register XOR yes
slt Register set less than yes
sltu Unsigned register set less than yes
sll Shift left logical yes
srl Shift right logical yes
sra Shift right arithmetic yes
Branch Instructions
bne Branch on not equal yes
beq Branch on equal yes
bgtz Branch on greater than zero yes
bgez Branch on greater than or equal to zero yes
bltz Branch on less than zero yes
blez Branch on less than or equal to zero yes
j Jump yes
jal Jump and link yes
jr Jump to register yes
In / Out Instructions
in Read input from port yes
outi Output immedaite to port yes
out Output register to port yes
mult Register multiply yes, but disabled
multu Unsigned register multiply yes, but disabled
div Register divide yes, but disabled
divu Unsigned register divide yes, but disabled
mod Register modulus yes, but disabled
Control Operations
nop No Operation yes
break Temporary Break yes

A Note on using the in/out instructions. The in/out instructions are used in the following manner:

out $destination, $source
outi $destination, immediate
in $destination, $source

The destination register in the OUT commands is the appropriate output port (where $5 --> portE) and the source is a CPU register. For the IN commands the source is from the input port and the destination is a cpu port. Notice that IN can be used to read an output port but out can only be used to write to an output port.
The ports in the current design are PortA-H --> $1-8. So this means that OUT can only be applied to output registers $5-8.


The GPU module is essentially a small processor which takes inputs from the CPU on a CPU output port. The GPU is capable of drawing lines, plotting pixels, or drawing ASCII text to the screen.

A sample connection to the CPU is as follows:

Input PortA[0] <== GPU Complete Flag
Output Port E[15:0] ==> GPU Instruction
Output Port E[16] ==> GPU Valid Flag

The way that the GPU receives instructions is on the GPU instruction line which is of format:

GPUInstruction[15:10] - Operation
GPUInstruction[9:0] - Data

The possible operations to the GPU are as follows:

Instruction Encoding Description
setX1 000000 Sets the internal X1 register to data[9:0]
setY1 000001 Sets the internal Y1 register to data[9:0]
setX2 000010 Sets the internal X2 register to data[9:0]
setY2 000011 Sets the internal Y2 register to data[9:0]
setChar 000100 Sets internal char register to data[7:0]
drawChar 000101 Dispatches a char to the ASCII module with color data[7:0]
drawLine 000110 Dispatches the internal registers to the Bresenham module with color data[7:0]
drawPixel 000111 Dispatches internal registers to pixel plotter with color data[7:0]
clear 001000 Resets the SRAM screen buffer to 0

PS2 Buffer

The PS2 input buffer is designed in much the same way as the other modules implementing the same communication interface. The module will poll the PS2 port and receive information on it. When a valid key is pressed it will write this key into it's buffer and increment a write pointer which will mismatch with the write pointer and indicate that the buffer is now not empty.

This output is oBufferEmpty and is not quite in line with the protocol but since this is just an indicator flag it is not a problem. The CPU can then use this flag to check if there is a character pending and then use the interface talked about before to read in the next character one at a time. Every time a character is read the valid flag must be lowered before the next character can be read. This is to ensure that no characters are lost.

A sample connection of the PS2 Buffer to the CPU is as follows:

Output Port F[0] ==> Valid
Input Port B[9] <== Buffer Empty
Input Port B[8] <== Complete
Input Port B[7:0] <== ASCII

RS232 Buffer

The RS232 input buffer is exacltly like the PS2 input buffer except it writes into the buffer from input on the RS232 port and also allows to transmit out on the RS232. To read it is exactly the same as the PS2 so I will talk about transmitting. To do this it implements the same interface as all the other modules. The CPU can set up a data value on the ASCII transmit data line and then set the valid high, when the value has finished transmitting the complete will go high and the module can be reset.


The bootloader module is a giant state machine which uses the RS232 input buffer to communicate with a host computer to receive and bootload a program on the RS232 line. This is extremely useful to bootload any kind of memory as long as the memory is written using a standard memory interface.

The bootloader will output a signal oBootload which will say that the bootloader is bootloading. This is useful as a CPU reset or to tell whatever circuit is using the bootloader that the bootloader is the current owner of the connected memory.

The way that the bootloader knows there is a want to bootload it is by waiting for an input on the RS232 and checking to see if it gets the string "boot". If this is the case it will transmit back "ready" to signal the caller it is ready to receive a program. At this point the oBootLoad output will go high. The bootloader will then proceed to receive a 32 bit address value and return it for verification and then receive a 32 bit data value and retrun transmit it for verification. It will then write the 32 bit data value to the 32 bit address value. Once done it will return to the receieve address state and repeat the process until a 0xFFFFFFFF is received as the next PC. This is considered a bootload break message and the bootloader will go back to the initial state.

note: The actual states are not as shown above. The state machine has 2 states for each receive and each transmit. That means 8 states for receive "boot", 10 states for transmit "ready", and another 4 states for each address and data receive/transmit. Also it requires a few states for the memory operations and some other logic. The real state machine contains 30 states. Many states were preferrable fewer states and counters since counters are harder to debug and essentially are state machines in their own right.

Other Modules

This project contains a number of other modules that are used in the above modules or have been developed and can be used as a part of this toolkit:

APU Audio Processor Unit This is an audio synthesis module which will allow a program to generate tones and output it to the AUDIO DAC on the DE2 board. Some of the code in this module is not original and was taken from the DE2 default code. The processor unit side of it, however, was written.
LCD LCD Controller This module will take a memory as an input and write this out to the LCD display on the DE2 board. This is useful as an output buffer however an output buffer module has not been written. It would be easy to implement the common interface of this project and design one since it would be wholly a memory oriented module.
Memory   M4K, SRAM A few modules were written to abstract the creating on M4K block based memories of single and dual port. Also an SRAM memory module was created and an SRAM Screen Buffer which is used in the GPU.



The compiler used was LCC which is a retargetable ANSI compatible C compiler. The back-end was written such that the assembly language the compiler generated was specific to the NDMA architecture and would interface cleanly with the assembler.

Since LCC does not support any asm( ) commands the rcc aspect was used which spat out the assembly. This was used to generate the assembly code and then cut and paste into a bigger assembly file which included other functions implemented in assembly. This was important since all input and output functions had to be aritten in assembly for compactness and the ability to access the in/out/outi instructions.

To write the back end an NDMA lburg file was written which explains to the compiler how to convert the lexical symbols into interpretted assembly code. This file was heavily modified from a pre-existing example provided with LCC since much of the contents in the file are specific to LCC or general for all architectures and did not need to be changed. Much of the file was altered, however, to work with the NDMA architecture.

A significant point to be made about the lburg file is that the compiler was used to offset the issue of data words being 32 bits. When manipulating strings the compiler was programmed to jump to a snippet of code the compiler generated in the assembler through a .byte directive and run that code. This code would temporarily store the string into data memory at a known location that was saved. The snippet would return and the code then packed into a register so that on the CPU a character would not waste registers. Then when saved back into memory the data was once again unpacked. This incurred a substantial penalty involving code length but it was the most eloquent solution.

To use the compiler it must be built. To do so you must run the following in a Visual Studio 2005 build window or a build enviornment which has nmake from Visual Studio 6.0 or later:

...ProjectModules\LCC>set BUILDDIR=\lcc_build_directory
...ProjectModules\LCC>nmake -f makefile.nt all

This will build the compiler into your build directory you specified and then to compile a program you must run:

...build_dir> rcc -target=ndma/ndmaOS filename.c

This will spit out the assembly code which can then be "cut and paste" into the assembler code which should include some of the APIs as explained below. If wanted it is possible to output the rcc output to a file by doing the following:

...build_dir> rcc -target=ndma/ndmaOS filename.c > outfile

If desired the build directory can be added to the system path and you can run this program wherever you code resides.


The assembler-linker program is an NDMA specific assembler program. It does some basic in file linking. It does not support multiple files but will link all locations within itself. It will also parse through specific directives and pseudo instructions:

.SetStack - This will initialize the stack to a specific size (data memory size)

.Boot - This will jump to the label defined (usually main)

.byte - This will load in a specific byte into data memory

la - Load Address, this pseudo instruction has special behavior. When used in the context of a memory calculation it will simply load in the number to that specific register. However, if it is used with a label it is taken as a memory load and processed accordingly. This works in conjunction with the compiler which will use the la instruction to load memory into the CPU.

The structure of the assembler is that it first parses through the file to check for labels for linking. These labels are placed into a map data structure to be accessed later. Then the assembler parses through the assembly file as normal and inteprets the assembly instructions, directives, or pseudo instructions accordingly. The instructions are checked against a OP map data structure which is initialized at the begining of run time. The directives and pseudo instructions are checked manually since there are not many of them. However, a similar approach could be taken if more are added. The OP map is interpretted with a function that is very easily adjusted for adding instructions. If one would want to add instrutions all that is needed to do is add a OP_ to the OP enum in the BASM.h file. Then instruction must be added to InitializeOPMap() and OPFunctionSADecode(...) according to the instruction. This is very automatic for most instruction types where the type is also defined in the OPFunctionSADecode(...) function.

With this assembler that can be redefined it is possible to write a wide variety of images. This assembler was somewhat optomized using map data structures but further optomizations are possible although not important for the size of programs that would run on the NDMA processor.

To use the assembler simply run:

...ProjectModules\Software\Assembler\debug>NDMAAssembler filename.asm

The file must be an .asm file. The output will then be put into a file of the same name such as: filename.mem. This is an ASCII viewable file which would then be the input to the Bootloader. Look through this file to see which machine codes refer to what instructions. Although during the run of the assembler an output of debug messages will be displayed which may be useful in verification and debugging.


The bootloader will take a file from the assembler in the form of a .mem file and will bootload the CPU with it. The program needs no configuration since the baud rate of the RS232 module on the FPGA design and the program match at 115200. However, if the computer does not support this baud rate for some reason it is easily changed in the program and in the Verilog.

To run this program copy it into the directory of the assembler or the .mem file the assembler is outputting and then run it as such:

> NDMABootloader COM# filename.mem

COM# would be the com number and used such as COM4 for the COM4 port. The filename is the name of the file you would like to bootload.

The program simply runs through the file and spits out the location and instruction on and verifies the receieve from the CPU. In the case that the recieve does not match the program will return the two mismatches, and quit. This will leave the CPU in a state where it must be restarted disallowing for strange behavior. When the program reaches the final instruction in the file it will repeat it a few times (which may not be wanted but is useful for the usual break or jr $31 instructions) and then send a 0xFFFFFFFF as the PC and wait for the reply. The reply will then confirm that the CPU has finished the bootloading process and received all of the data correctly.

GPU and PS2 APIs

Although I didn't have much time to implement much code other than testing code a few assembly based API calls:

void plotpixel(int x, int y, char color);
- Plots a pixel to location x and y.

void drawchar(int x, int y, char c, char color);
- Draws a character c to location x and y.

char getchar();
- Waits for a character to be enterred and returns it (blocking).

int waitchar();
- Returns 1 if character waiting in buffer, otherwise returns 0.

Color in form of an 8 bit char: 8'brrggbbxx

These routines are written in assembly and the function declerations are in the c code that uses them. To get them to work the routines need to be placed into the code between the .Boot main directive and the main: label. The aseembler will then link it correctly.

Example Chain

C Code
// ndmaTest0.c
int add(int in, int mul)
    int val = in + mul;
    return val;

void main(void)
    int i = 0;
    int j = 1;

    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        j = add(j, 3);

Output from RCC
.SetStack 255
.Boot main
addi $sp,$sp,-4
addu $24, $4, $5
sw $24,-4+4($sp)
lw $2,-4+4($sp)
addi $sp,$sp,4
jr $31
.end add
addi $sp,$sp,-12
sw $23, 8($sp)
sw $30, 10($sp)
sw $31, 11($sp)
or $30, $0, $0
la $23, 1
or $30, $0, $0
or $4, $23, $0
la $5, 3
jal add
or $23, $2, $0
la $30, 1($30)
la $24, 5
slt $1, $30, $24
bne $1, $0, L.3
lw $23,8($sp)
lw $25,9($sp)
lw $30,10($sp)
lw $31,11($sp)
addi $sp,$sp,12
jr $31
.end main

Output from NDMA Assembler
00110100000111010000000011111111 // ori $sp, $0, 255 (SetStack)
00001000000000000000000000001000 // .Boot main pc:8
00100011101111011111111111111100 // addi $sp, $sp, -4
00000000100001011100000000100001 // addu $24, $4, $5
10101111101110000000000000000000 // sw $24, -4+4($sp)
10001111101000100000000000000000 // lw $2, -4+4($sp)
00100011101111010000000000000100 // addi $sp, $sp, 4
00000011111000000000000000001000 // jr $31
00100011101111011111111111110100 // addi $sp, $sp, -12
10101111101101110000000000001000 // sw $23, 8($sp)
10101111101111100000000000001010 // sw $30, 10($sp)
10101111101111110000000000001011 // sw $31, 11($sp)
00000000000000001111000000100101 // or $30, $0, $0
00100100000101110000000000000001 // la $23, 1
00000000000000001111000000100101 // or $30, $0, $0
00000010111000000010000000100101 // or $4, $23, $0
00100100000001010000000000000011 // la $5, 3
00001100000000000000000000000010 // jal add (2)
00000000010000001011100000100101 // or $23, $2, $0
00100111110111100000000000000001 // la $30, 1($30)
00100100000110000000000000000101 // la $24, 5
00000011110110000000100000101010 // slt $1, $30, $24
00010100000000011111111111111001 // bne $1, $0, L.3
10001111101101110000000000001000 // lw $23, 8($sp)
10001111101110010000000000001001 // lw $25, 9($sp)
10001111101111100000000000001010 // lw $30, 10($sp)
10001111101111110000000000001011 // lw $31, 11($sp)
00100011101111010000000000001100 // addi $sp, $sp, 12
00000011111000000000000000001000 // jr $31


The result of this lab was a success and with good performance as well. Overall this was an extremely challenging lab which tied in all of my Electrical Computer Engineering as well as Computer Science knowledge to design a complete computer system. It was very exciting to see the output of this system and see that it was possible to truly design a computer from the ground up.

This project used some code for the VGA controller and the Audio DAC. Other than this no other IP was used other than random tutorials on the internet. The code mentioned before is likely public domain code but it is very simple code and could be rewritten rather quickly.

The design did reverse engineer the standards at times since the online descriptions of the standards were a bit convoluted and occasionally I would scope the output and simply try to replicate it eventually getting the right result and generalizing it for all possible inputs/outputs. Also I did a fair amount of reverse engineering of LCC to manage to get it to build and get the correct code out of it without having to rewrite the actual LCC code .

There are no likely patent oppertunities with this project although the CPU architecture works nicely and could be implemented into a much more full feature microcontroller given some time.

Get the Code!

The project is saved in a file heirarchy that should be helpful and is saved in the following zip file:


Most of the modules have code comments regarding their usage and how to implement them. Below is a table listing of all of the modules, their location in the solution and the top level module of each. The base directory would be ...ProjectModules\ >

Description Location Notes
APU         \Audio\APU.v   This instantiates the same PLL as the GPU. The GPU has hook ups designed so that if both the APU and GPU are required simply comment out the APU VGA_Audio_PLL and the Reset_Delay (this is done by default) and wire through the lines through the GPU to the APU.
NDMA CPU \CPU\CPU.v For an example usage see the test bench included in ...\TestBenches\NDMA\
HexDecode \IO\HexDecode\HexDecode.v  Simple HEX decoder for use with a 7-segment display
PS2InputBuffer \IO\PS2\PS2InputBuffer.v See ...\IO\PS2\PS2.v for a define automatically connecting all the PS2 lines to the buffer correctly.
RS232InputBuffer \IO\RS232\
Connects indistinguishably from the PS2 Input Buffer.
RS232Bootloader \CPU\RS232BootLoader.v The RS232 Boot loader module doesn't need to include any modules but will only work if hooked up as shown in the NDMA test bench.
LCC NDMA Backend \LCC\src\ndma.md This installation of LCC will automatically link and compile the NDMA back end. If you would like to install the ndma back end to a clean LCC install you must add the NDMA backend to: \LCC\makefile.nt, as well as \LCC\src\bind.c and make sure that you copy in \LCC\etc\ndmaOS.c as well.
NDMA Assembler/Linker \software\Assembler\
I originally named the solution mips assembler but the NDMA assembler is nothing like a mips assembler. It also behaves as a linker. The solution is contained in the Assembler directory. See section on the assembler for adding custom instructions.
NDMABootloader \software\NDMABootloader\
Usage described above, will only work in windows since this is based on MS code.
tex2mif \software\Tex2Mif\
Useful little program that will convert a inputs.txt file into an output .mif file. See the program for input/output file specifications but is very usefuly for initializing a memory using a mif file especially when said memory needs to be in ASCII format (such as an LCD output stream).
GPUAPI \software\GPUAPI\
Some linkable GPU API calls in assembly as well as some of the PS2 calls. Can be useful for writing programs as shown with the sample programs.
LCDCNT \LCD\LCDCNT.v This module will display the contents of a hooked up memory at the location indicated by iSP which is an 8 bit pointer. It will then use oAddr to drive the address of the memory to 16 bytes of memory so the memory must be 8 bits wide. This memory can be easily implemented with the M4KMEM module.
M4KMEM \MEM\M4K\M4KMEM.v This is an M4K block memory with adjustable paramters for creating arbitrary memories.
M4KMEM_DUALPORT \MEM\M4K\M4KMEM_DUALPORT.v Same as above, except has dual ports for simultaneous reads and writes.
SRAM \MEM\SRAM\SRAM.v Simple wrapper module for the SRAM which conforms it to the memory model used by the toolkit.
This is a non-trival pipelined screen buffer which allows a 640x480 resolution with memory access which is based on the X, Y coordinates. This module can also be altered to provide different resolutons but then the VGA controller would need to be altered as well.
GPU \VGA\GPU\GPU.v As described above this module can be used but instantiates the same PLL as the audio module. It has hook ups for wiring through and usually it is better to keep the VGA_PLL and wire to the audio rather than vice versa since this will better speed up the paths regarding the VGA and those are more pertinent to speed up than the audio.


I would like to acknowledge a few sources for this project. First of all I would like to credit Altera and Terasic for producing the Cyclone II FPGA and DE2 board respectively. I would like to thank Cornell University for giving me the facilities and the resources to work on this project. I would like to thank Bruce Land for starting this great new course and for his continued support and help. I would also like to acknowledge Chris Fraser and Dave Hanson for providing support regarding general LCC issues.


I used these websites a fair amount:
ECE 576 Website
ASIC-WORLD (Verilog)
ASCIITABLE.com (ASCII reference)
Scan Code Reference
Assembly Code Standards Reference

The following data sheets came in handy: