Professor Land's Average Module

The following is the averaging module written by Professor Bruce Land.

//// Time weighted average amplitude (2'comp) ///////
// dk_const e-folding time of average
// 3 ~8 samples
// 4 15
// 5 32
// 6 64
// 7 128 -- 2.7 mSec at 48kHz
// 8 256 -- 5.3 mSec (useful for music/voice)
// 9 512 -- 10.5 mSec (useful for music/voice)
// 10 1024 -- 21 mSec (useful for music/voice)
// 11 2048 -- 42 mSec
module average (out, in, dk_const, clk);

output reg signed [15:0] out ;
input wire signed [15:0] in ;
input wire [3:0] dk_const ;
input wire clk;

wire signed [17:0] new_out ;
//first order lowpass of absolute value of input
assign new_out = out - (out>>>dk_const) + ((in[15]?-in:in)>>>dk_const) ;
always @(posedge clk)
out <= new_out ;