05/17/16 12:25:14 C:\goku\DE2-115_Media_Computer\media_graphics_HAL.c
#include "altera_up_avalon_video_pixel_buffer_dma.h"
#include "altera_up_avalon_video_character_buffer_with_dma.h"
#include "sys/alt_stdio.h"
#include "sys/altera_avalon_pio_regs.h"  
#include "sys/altera_avalon_jtag_uart_regs.h"  
#include "sys/altera_avalon_timer_regs.h"
// === the fixed point macros ========================================
typedef signed int fix16 ;
#define fix2int16(a)   ((int)((a)>>8))
#define int2fix16(a)   ((fix16)((a)<<8))
#define float2fix16(a) ((fix16)((a)*65536.0)) // 2^16
int main(void)
        volatile int button_read;
        volatile int dummy_delay=32768;
        /////////////////////////////////    NEW CODE     //////////////////////////////////
        //Prepare to load floating point input from serial console
                float input_float;
                //For each initial condition, ask the user to input a decimal value.
                printf("Enter kp ");
                scanf("%f", &input_float);
                //NIOS must convert that floating point value to fixed-point compatible with
                //the top-level hardware spring system.
                *(volatile int *)KP_BASE = input_float;
                //Do the same for the rest of the inputs.
                printf("Enter ki: ");
                scanf("%f", &input_float);
                *(volatile int *)KI_BASE = input_float;
                printf("Enter kd ");
                scanf("%f", &input_float);
                *(volatile int *)KD_BASE = input_float;
        alt_up_pixel_buffer_dma_dev *pixel_buffer_dev;
        alt_up_char_buffer_dev *char_buffer_dev;
        int vga_x, vga_y, clock_interval, clock_counter, initial_condition_set,x1_read_value, x1_read_value_print, x2_read_value, x2_read_value_print;
        int pid_out_value;
        /* used for drawing coordinates */
        int x1, y1, x2, y2, deltax_1, deltax_2, deltay_1, deltay_2, delay = 0;
        /* initialize the pixel buffer HAL */
        pixel_buffer_dev = alt_up_pixel_buffer_dma_open_dev ("/dev/VGA_Pixel_Buffer");
        if ( pixel_buffer_dev == NULL)
            alt_printf ("Error: could not open VGA pixel buffer device\n");
            alt_printf ("Opened character VGA pixel buffer device\n");
        /* clear the graphics screen */
        alt_up_pixel_buffer_dma_clear_screen(pixel_buffer_dev, 0);
            x1_read_value = *(volatile int*)PIO_X1_OUTPUT_INIT_7_BASE;
            x2_read_value = *(volatile int*)PIO_X2_OUTPUT_INIT_8_BASE;
            x1_read_value_print = x1_read_value >> 7; //White Line
            x2_read_value_print = x2_read_value >> 7; // Brown Line
            ///// For debug only
            //printf ("raw_prox = %d \t median = %d \n",x1_read_value,x2_read_value);
            // Implementing filtering in Verilog itself
            alt_up_pixel_buffer_dma_draw_box(pixel_buffer_dev, vga_x, 480-x1_read_value_print - 13, vga_x, 480-x1_read_value_print - 13, 0xFFFF, 0);
            alt_up_pixel_buffer_dma_draw_box(pixel_buffer_dev, vga_x, 480-x2_read_value_print - 10, vga_x, 480-x2_read_value_print - 10, 0x8888, 0);
            alt_up_pixel_buffer_dma_draw_box(pixel_buffer_dev, vga_x, 480-(32767>>7) - 10, vga_x, 480-(32767>>7) - 10, 0x187F, 0);
            alt_up_pixel_buffer_dma_draw_box(pixel_buffer_dev, vga_x, 480-0 - 10, vga_x, 480-0 - 10, 0x49AF, 0);
            if (vga_x == 639){
                alt_up_pixel_buffer_dma_clear_screen(pixel_buffer_dev, 0);
    return 0;