BioSignals Help

Version 1.1a

Last Updated July 20, 2000




Welcome to BioSignals version 1.x.  The following help menu is intended for users who are

familiar with the operation of the BioRadio.  This application is intended to run on Matlab version 5.3.

Your copy of Matlab must have the data acquisition and signal processing toolboxes installed. 

The following help Menu is broken down in the following manner:


·                     Main Screen

·                     File Menu

·                     Tool Menu

·                     View Menu

·                     Help Menu

·                     Notes

·                     New for version 1.1a

·                     Questions and Comments


Main Screen


After typing biosignal at the Matlab prompt, you should see the following screen:



On the toolbar, there is a Start Capture and Stop Capture button.  If the BioRadio is on and transmitting data, the start capture

button will display in the incoming data as waveforms, and it will store data for each channel into a temporary file.  If you wish

to save your data, go to the save command under the file menu.  The stop capture button will enable you to stop capturing data.

After clicking the start capture button, you cannot modify any of filters or signal processing elements or viewable channels that you

applied to the incoming data.  To the right of the stop capture button are the Y-scale options for the channels that will be viewed when

capturing begins. The following diagram illustrates the Y-scale option bar.



If a channel is not activated on the BioRadio or not viewable, the corresponding y-scale options will be dimmed.  To change the

y-scale for a particular channel, click the up and down arrows for each y-scale. Once you have chosen the y-scale that you want,

you must click onto the number, ensuring that the number is in blue and has a light grey square surrounding it as seen below for

channel 1:



If you do not click on the number after selecting it, the y-scale you chose will not be applied to that channel.  The y-scale value is the only

setting which can be modified during capture.


File Menu




The following is the open menu:



Select a previously saved data file with .grh extension, and click open. BioSignals will graph each saved

channel on the main window.




After clicking save from the file menu, you will be prompted to type in a filename.



Type in a filename like "Professor Land's Data" or "Professor Hoy's Data.grh" in the file name

text box. Click Save. The files will be saved as Professor Land's Data.grh or Professor Hoy's Data.grh,



Export to Audio File


After clicking export to audio file from the file menu, you will be prompted to type in a filename.



Type in a filename like "Professor Land's Data" or "Professor Hoy's Data.wav" in the file name

text box. Click Save.  For each channel that data was being acquired from the BioRadio,

BioSignals will save a wav file with the above filename and a number appended to the end of

the filename. For instance, if channels 3 and 4 were acquired, BioSignals will save

Professor Land's Data3.wav and Professor Land's Data4.wav to the prescribed file location.




After clicking the Setup, the following menu appears:



With the exception of the sound option, all settings that you set here are

physical settings that you manually set the BioRadio with using the BioRadio

Configuration WizardÓ.  Before capturing data, you should activate all channels

that were set with Wizard and ensure that all the input ranges and input resolutions

are correct.  Select the channel you want to hear sound from.  If you do not want to

hear sound, click the sound radio button that is already selected.  You should notice

that the sound radio button no longer has a dot in it, indicating no sound will be played

for that channel.  Note, if none of the activated channels has sound button activated,

no sound will play. Click ok to save changes, or click cancel to erase changes.

(Note only one channel can have sound at a time.)




In version 1.0 of BioSignals, the print function is not yet implemented.




Press exit to quit BioSignals application.  If the x button at the top right of the program is

used to close the BioSignals, the communications port will not be closed, and all files that are

open will not be closed properly.  Please be sure to press exit from the file menu to quit BioSignals.


Tools Menu




This function is to be implemented in the next release of BioSignals.


Signal Processing

The following the menu that opens when you click the Signal Processing option or

hit CTRL+S.



To enable Signal Processing for a particular channel that is activated and is set to be viewable,

click the on checkbox for that channel.  Once you click the On box for a particular channel, in this

case channel 2, the menu will change to enable all the menu items corresponding to that channel as

seen below.



When you click High Pass or Low Pass, the frequency box to the left of those respective

checkboxes will be enabled.  Enter in a cutoff frequency (in Hertz) to the frequency box.  In this version of

BioSignals, if you enter a character into the corresponding freqency box, the ascii value for that

letter will be used for either the High or Low Pass cut off frequency.  Click the FFT

checkbox to enable FFT to be applied to the signal. Press OK to exit and save changes, or press

Cancel to exit and not save changes. (Note: Filter Equation is not implemented

in version 1.0 or 1.1a of BioSignals)


View Menu




Press Channels from the View menu or press CTRL + N to bring up the following menu:



The channels that you will be able to choose from to view while capturing data from the

BioRadio will be those that you activated using the BioRadio Configuration WizardÓ and

set in the previously described Setup menu.  The channels that you select in this menu will be

viewed in the main window after pressing the start capture button in the toolbar of this program.

(Do not modify these settings while capturing is in progress!)


Help Menu




Press the Contents Menu from the help to obtain this help screen.  You must have

wordpad installed in your windows based machine to obtain this help screen.


Online Support


Press Online Support to obtain web page help with the use of this program.  To use

this feature you must have a web browser installed on your system.


About BioSignals


This screen allows the user to determine what version of BioSignals is being run.




If the BioRadio is not on and connected to the machine running BioSignals, the BioSignals program

will not function properly.  This means do not press Start Capture if the BioRadio is not on.


This version of BioSignals has minimal error checking, so be sure to enter proper values

for high or low pass filters. If you do a band pass filter (high and low pass filters are both

enabled), then the high pass cut off should be lower than the low pass cut off.

Otherwise, BioSignals may behave erratically.


Finally, please be sure to shut down BioSignals by going to clicking CTRL+Q or by clicking

exit from the File Menu.  If you click x at the top right of the screen, the communication ports

on your computer will not be closed properly.


New for version 1.1a


Two features are new for version for 1.1a, print and copy commands.  The print command is

 located in the file menu.  The print command will print any graphs displayed in the BioSignals

main window.   The copy command is located in the new edit menu as seen below:



Press Ctrl + C as a shortcut to copy all the graphs which is exportable to any standard windows application.


Questions and Comments


Send Email to

Shaun Chandran or Benjamin Greenblatt or


Ó BioSignals by Shaun Chandran and Benjamin Greenblatt.