Lang Tong
Irwin and Joan Jacobs Professor of Engineering
Lang Tong joined Cornell University in 1998
where he is now the Irwin and Joan Jacobs Professor in Engineering and the Cornell site director of
the Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSerc). .
He received the
B.E. degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing,
P.R. China in 1985, and PhD degree in EE from the University of Notre
Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana in 1991. He was a Postdoctoral Research
Affiliate at the Information Systems Laboratory, Stanford University in
Lang Tong's current
research focuses on energy systems and smart power grid. He leads the Digital Energy and Power Systems (DEPS) group to investigate data analytics, system optimization, and market issues associated with renewable energy, storage, energy management systems, and the electrification of transportation systems.
Professor Tong is the 2018 Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Alternative Energy. A Fellow of IEEE and a Distinguished Lecturer (2009), Professor Tong received numerous paper awards including the IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award (2004), IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize Paper Award (2004), IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Outstanding Young Author Award (1993), IEEE Power & Energy Systems General Meeting Best Paper Selection (2015,2016,2018,2019) and Prize Conference Paper (2019). He is a coauthor of seven student paper awards, including two IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Awards (2000,2008) for papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
Digital Energy and Power System Group
Honors and Awards
Current and Past Projects:
Statistical Learning and Inference via Innovations (NSF)
Equitable Energy Access via Energy Communities and Microgrids: A Cyber Physical System Approach (NSF)
Field-focused load-leveled dynamic wireless charging system for electric vehicles (ARPA-e)
Toward Large-Scale DER Aggregation: Competitive Aggregation, Operation Support, and ISO-Aggregator-Utility Coordination (PSERC)
Large-Scale DER Aggregation: Active Prosumers, Optimal Aggregation, and Sustainable Growth (NSF)
High-Fidelity High-Resolution and Secure Monitoring and Control of Future Grids: a synergy of AI, data science, and hardware security (NSF)
Deadline Scheduling and Sensor Fusion (NSF)
Sustainable Integration of Distributed Energy Resources in Distribution Systems (NSF)
Harnessing the Power of AI for Transmission and Distribution System Operations (PSERC)
Newly Implemented and Proposed Market Products and Reformulations: Pricing Implications, Analysis, and Enhancements (PSERC)
Information and Computation Hierarchy for Smart Grid (NSF)
An Engineering and Economic Pathway to Electric Vehicle-Based Transportation (NSF)
Probabilistic Forecasting of Congestion and Locational Marginal Price (DoE)
Selected Recent Publications:
Energy Systems and Smart Power Grid
Power system operations and electricity markets
Estimation, control, and data analytics in power and energy systems
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure and energy management systems
Cyber Physical Security of the Power Grid
Statistical Inference, Machine Learning, and Signal Processing
Information theory and network theory
Additional Publications:
Google Scholars
Complete Journal
Course Offering:
Fall 2017: ECE2200: Signals and Information
Spring 2018: ECE4520/ECE5520: Power System and Market Operations
"Each morning before breakfast every single one of us approaches
an urn filled with white and black balls. We draw a ball. If it is
white, we survive the day. If it is black, we die. The proportion of black
balls in the urn is not the same for each day, but grows as we become
older.... Still there are always some white balls present, and some of
us continue to draw them day after day for many years."---J. Neyman and
E.L. Scott