
"Gimme pic, show u puzzle "


Song Shuai and Ho-Chin Yang




Our project is a puzzle game that uses images stored in a SD memory card as the source image. The MCU will read the image from the card through the connector and transform it into 8-bit color that the program can show on TV. The image will be split into several pieces and arranged in disorder randomly. The goal of the game is move all the pieces back into right positions, by using the keypad to control the movement of each piece. The game is displayed on the NTSC color TV.


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High Level Design



           As the idea of digital home is getting hot, television is becoming the center of our home, instead of just a kit of playing television programs. Although not enough budgets are available for us to develop applications on digital TV, the most important thing is realizing our ideas. Thus, we consider the possibility of developing an album on color television. In our application, users can browse their pictures stored in SD card. Furthermore, we use the pictures to create a puzzle game.               


Logical Structure:

Preprocess: write the bmp files manually


           In execution:


Hardware/Software Tradeoffs:


Mega32 has only 2KB SRAM but the buffer that holds TV pixels already use up 64 (width) x 48 (height) / 2 (byte/pixel) = 1536 bytes. Therefore, the available memory we can use is very limited. It turns out that we are forced to use the screen buffer for reading pictures from SD card.


Also, the speed of communication is also the key limitation. We have to split some tasks into smaller chunks so that the display will not be affected. When users change pictures, SPI is used to communicate with SD card, but the time of transmission affects the display significantly, even if we only read one byte at a time.


The display of color TV is very time sensitive.



           This project integrates several standards:

·       BMP

·       SD Card

·       NTSC

BMP format

BMP is a bitmap image format developed by Microsoft and commonly used in Windows operating systems. As BMP has a simple structure, it is straightforward for us to handle BMP, so we choose it as our first supporting file format. Each BMP file contains:


Bitmap-file header

Information about the type, size, and layout of a file. This project only recognizes 48 x 36 pictures.

Bitmap-information header

Information about the dimensions, compression type, and the color format for the bitmap. This project only recognizes 24-bit, uncompressed file.

Color table

An array of RGBQUAD structures. We do not use this.

Bitmap bytes

The actual image data, represented by consecutive rows, or "scan lines," of the bitmap. Left-to-right order.


As BMP is developed by Microsoft, little Endian order is used. Thus, reading an integer needs reverse its order. For example, a 32-bit integer Byte3 Byte2 Byte1 Byte0 is allocated as:


           Base address + 0    Byte0

           Base address + 1    Byte1

           Base address + 2    Byte2

           Base address + 3    Byte3


           Note: We found that the way that BMP stores Bitmap bytes is upside-down.

SD Card

           The reason we choose SD card is that we can use SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) to bridge SD card and MCU. There are two SD operating modes: SD and SPI, . The one we use is SPI. The pin and connection is as follows:



           We refer to Video page written by Glen Williamson to understand the color TV.


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Hardware Design

           Here is the picture of our hardware.




We build up the circuit for following components:

·      Color TV

·      SD Card

·      Keypad


Color TV:

Alan Levy color TV is the platform of our project. And we fixed a little bug of the schematic on the webpage.


SD Card:

We connect lines to the step-up and step-down circuits. The design of these circuits is taken from Peter D’Antonio and Daniel Riiff’s project.


           We connect the keypad to PORTA.


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Software Design

·       Video

·       Image Writer

·       SD Card

·       Game

·       Keypad


           The screen is allocated as the following diagram:


·       64 x 48 : Screen area

·       48 x 36 : Image area






There are 64 x 48 = 3072 pixels on the screen. As one byte stores two pixels, there are 1536 bytes in total responsible for displaying screen.


The resources, such as time and memory, are very limited. We have to split our program of displaying into several segments and execute them in several lines, even several frames. For example, the following codes are excerpted from the part that displays a TV frame:


           Also, we have to write functions and call them for some longer code segments because we did not see Mega32 supports far jump. By calling and returning from functions, several execution cycles are wasted.


SD Card:

           In fact, the features associated with the SD card are a series of downturn.

At first, we planed to use FAT, the file system which is created by Microsoft and used by most of digital cameras, to be the file system in SD card. With the file system, users could store images directly by taking pictures with DC. Before we could communicate with SD card without errors and then access the FAT, the best way of writing programs for the card is to use a card reader and access the card on Windows. However, we recognized that this would require us to deal with USB, another big task. Because of time constraint, we did not want to spend time doing work that is irrelevant to microcontroller, so we gave up delivering this feature. Thus, we have to store images into SD card by an additional program through Mega32.


Then, we fixed our plan to write images sequentially in the card so that we can upgrade easily in the future. However, we stuck into unreliable read and write operations of the card for a long time, so we were forced to write the processed pixels that can be brought onto the screen directly. The method we use will be mentioned in the following section.


Image Writer:

           As the bottleneck we faced in SD card, we have to use separate programs to write pictures into SD card. First, we use a program on Windows to read the normal image file and read its color bytes and compress each R, G and B three bytes into a nibble and write out as a text file.


           As a result, the format we use in the SD card is sequentially



           We split the image into 12 sub-images and randomly shuffle them (So there may be no way to put them back).


           The state-transition diagram is as following:




           We swap sub-images in the period of 12 frames because in this way we do not have to debounce the keypad.



           We do not have to debounce keypad as we used to do in previous lab assignments because we poll the buttons every frame.


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           Our image displaying suffers from shifting vertical positions after reset and reload. Some colors are also quiet correctly displayed. Except for these TV bugs, our game runs very smoothly.


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         Although the functions are below our expectations, we deliver a good game by complying with several standards.


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We make sure we followed the IEEE Code of Ethics throughout this project.


5.                 To improve the understanding of technology, its appropriate application, and potential consequences


The goal of our project is to integrate several standards we never handled before. The NTSC TV is going to its tombstone, but it will exist forever, so our application will be useful forever.


6.                  To maintain and improve our technical competence and to undertake technological tasks for others only if qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure of pertinent limitations


Building this system really helped us to know many standards.


7.                  To seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of technical work, to acknowledge and correct errors, and to credit properly the contributions of others


We are open-minded to accept any error we made.


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Appendix B: Schematic

The following is an overview of the connections to the MCU.  Specific circuits can be found in the hardware section.





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Appendix C: Parts List



Cost ($)

Atmel Mega32


STK 500


RGB to NTSC converter AD724JR

Sample from Analog Device

Sync generator ELM 304


Color TV






SD Memory card


SD card connector

Donated by a friend of Ho-Chin




Therefore, we stayed well below the $50 limit in the project guidelines.


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Appendix D: Tasks


Most parts of the project were done by both members of the group.  The following are the specific tasks involved:


  1. Writing the Code: Both
  2. Testing the Code: Both
  3. Ordering and buying parts for the project: Ho-Chin
  4. Designing the Hardware: Both
  5. Testing the Hardware: Both
  6. Soldering the Parts: Song
  7. Integration and final testing: Both
  8. Writing the Report: Both
  9. Creating the webpage: Both


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Appendix E: References


1. We would first like to thank Professor Land and all the TAs for their help during the final project period and throughout the semester.


2. Data Sheets:




3. Vendor Sites:




4. Online References:




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