The following projects were produced in the last month of ECE 5760. The students were given the responsibility of choosing their project, then designing and building it. From 2017 we use Intel/Altera/Terasic Cyclone5 FPGA. Earlier projects were built using the Altera/Terasic CycloneII (and CycloneIV) FPGA educational board. See the assignment or a few ideas for projects for further description.
2024f* | 2024s | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |2014 |2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006
f2024* was a small, special topic version.The project numbers are only for identification and represent no other ranking.
Fall 2024
CycloneV DE1-SoC
f2024 was a small, special topic version of 5760.
- FM Demodulation on the DE1-SoC (video)
- Audio/Video FPGA-to-FPGA (video)
- Real-Time Arbitrage Trading System (video)
Spring 2024
CycloneV DE1-SoC
- FPGA-Based Multi-Core Rivest-Cipher-4 (video)
- FPGA Prototyping of RISC-V ISA CPU with On-Board Debugging Tool (video)
- RISC-V CPU on FPGA (video)
- IIR Noise Reduction (video)
- Accelerated Matrix Multiplier (video)
- Line detection via accelerated Hough Transform on an Terasic DE1-SoC (video)
- Audio Reactive Visualizations Using Machine Learning and a Custom FPGA Ray Marching GPU (video)
- BlackJack with Monte Carlo probabilities (video)
- Snowflake Cellular Automaton (video)
- Oceanography 101 -- Animal ecosystem (video)
- Superscalar Out-of-Order NPU Design on FPGA (video)
- Playing God -- Supply/demand multi-agent simlation (video)
- FPGA-Based CNN for Digit Recognition on DE1-SoC (video)
- Parameterizable Convolution Accelerator Design (video)
- Chirikov's Standard Map (video)
- Polygonal rasterizing graphics processing unit on the Cyclone V SoC (no video by author request)
- High Frequency Trader (video)
- Wireworld and Conway's Game of Life (video)
- Video-rate Kaleidoscope Simulator (video)
- Stockfish NNUE on DE-1 SoC (video)
- Space Shooter (video)
- Lattice-Boltzmann fluid video game (video)
- FPGA Sudoku Puzzle Solver (video)
Spring 2023
CycloneV DE1-SoC
- Heat equation simulator (video)
- FPGA based power estimator (video)
- HPP gas simulator (video)
- FHP gas Cellular Automaton on FPGA (video)
- Dancing Boids (video)
- FPGA accelerated boid algorithm (video)
- 2D N-Body Gravity Simulator (video)
- N-body Gravity Simulator (video)
- Real-Time Polyphonic Pitch Shifter for Electric Guitar (video)
- Sobel Edge Detection on FPGA (video)
- Interactive Hardware Based Forest Fire Simulator (video)
- Simulated Pinball Machine (video)
- ADIOS - A Deployable Internal OScilloscope (video)
Spring 2022
CycloneV DE1-SoC
- Guitar Hero on DE1-SOC (video)
- Bombe Machine (video)
- FPGA Based Simple CNN MNIST Digit Classifier (video)
- Diamond Square Fractal Landscapes (video)
- 2D Molecular Dynamics Simulation using Leonard Jones (video)
- Mandelbrot Set Animation rate Optimization (video)
- HPP Cellular Automaton (video)
- FFT based Landscape Generation (video)
- Anaglyph 3D from video input (video)
- Gesture Based User Interface (video)
- Fourier Drawing and sound synthesis (video)
- Particle Projectile Simulator
- Neural net (video) >>html problem: stay tuned<<
Fall 2020
CycloneV SoC, Covid Remote lab
- Connect Four AI (video)
- Matrix Multiplication Accelerator (video)
- Capital Letter Recognition with Harris Corner (video)
- Fractal Landscapes (video)
- Bolero Surround Sound (video)
- RF Signal Modulation Predictor (video)
- Graphing L-Systems on the FPGA (video)
- F1 Tire Prediction (video)
Spring 2019
CycloneV SoC
- FPGA PokerBot (video) hackaday,
- Simulink Workflow: ODE Solver on DE1-SoC (video)
- FPGA Speech Vocoder (video)
- Vector-graphics Laser Projector (video)
- FPGA String Art accelerator (video)
- Digital Logic Analyzer and Function Generator (video) MicroChip Makes(facebook), hackaday,
- Marker Detection for Human Movement Correction (video)
- Evolutionary FPGA Simulation on DE1-SoC (video) hackaday,
Spring 2018
CycloneV SoC
- Interactive Mandelbrot Viewer (video) hackaday,
- FPGA Knn Image Recognition (video)
- Four Camera Pyramid Display (video)
- Animation-rate Lattice Boltzmann Solver (video)
- Visual Playing Card Recognition (video)
- Dijkstra algorithm on railway network of China (video) hackaday,
- Binary Neural Network for Digit Recognition on FPGA (video)
- Head-Related Transfer Function Explorer (video)
- Reaction-Diffusion simulation on HPS (video)
- Fluid Flow Simulation with Musical Stimulus (video)
- FPGA Convolution Neural Network Accelerator
Following projects are private, by request of the authors. - Binary Neural Net
- FPGA-Based Radio Receiver
Spring 2017
CycloneV SoC
- Realtime pitch shifter (video) hackaday,
- Digital oscilloscope (video)
- Big Red Strings: A FPGA Musical Trio (video) hackaday,
- Catch Bruce if you Can: A video hand tracking Game (video)
- Character Recognition Using OpenCV on DE1-SOC (video)
- HPS-powered Logic Analyzer debugging FPGA (video) hackaday,
- Robot Operating System Stereo Vision Accelerator (video)
- Julia Set Renderer (video)
- Real-Time Vision-based Object Identification and Tracking (video) hackaday,
Circuit Cellar Magazine, April 2018, #333, pages 18-25 - HPP lattice Gas Automaton (video)
- 3D paint using video tracking (video)
- Spooky Tag: Spatial sound cues (video) hackaday,
- Sound controlled video game (video)
CycloneV SoC -- start
CycloneII and CycloneIV
-- end
Spring 2016
- Ambient light from TV signal (video) (rgb-hsv code) hackaday, dangerous prototypes,
- Camera-based Finger tip detection (video) hackaday,
- Audio signal visualization (video) hackaday,
- RGB LED Matrix Audio Visualizer (video) hackaday,
- Levitating a ball (video) hackaday,
- Nintendo sound unit (audio) hackaday,
- Gesture Tetris (video) hackaday,
- Cricket 2007 Auto-batter (video) hackaday,
- Evolution game
Spring 2015
- Table Tennis Tracker (video) hackaday, dangerous prototypes, hacked gadgets, IEEE Computer Oct 2015 pp 80-84,
- Rubic's cube solver (video) unocero, hackaday, hacked gadgets, bricogeek,
- Real time video anonymizer (video) hackaday,
- Gravitational N-Particle Simulator (video) hackaday,
- Rock/Paper/Scissors (video)
- Gesture control of iPhone (video) hacked gadgets,
- Mandelbrot color modulation and zoom (video) hackaday,
- Re-inventing the Personal Computer (video)
- OpenCL on DE1-SOC
- Gesture steered Mandelbrot rendering (video)
- AES encryptor/decryptor
Spring 2014
CycloneII and CycloneIV
- Fruit Ninja with video tracking (video)
- Flappy Bird player (video) hackaday, FreeIO,
- Whack-a-Mole with video tracking (video)
- Bruce-in-a-box (video) hacked gadgets, hackaday, dangerous prototypes
- Interrupt for Pancake processor
- Hardware return stack and MAC for Pancake processor
- Hardware Ethernet Implementation
- Driving Simulator (video)
- Egg Crusher video game (video)
- Color following robot (video)
Spring 2013
- Upper body Motion Tracking (video1, video2)
- Hand tracking Pong (video) hackedgadgets, gadget factory, dangerous prototypes, cooking hacks, microsiervos,
- Multiple NTSC screen game battleship (video)
- Augmented Reality Ball Game (video)
- Anti-tetris game (video) hackaday, hacked gadgets, dangerous protoypes,
- Video Game Enhancer (video)
- Hardware-Based FPGA AI for Super Mario Bros (code) (video1, video2) hackaday,
- Beat-Programmagle Gate Array
- Piano Hero with Virtual Keyboard (video) hackaday,
- Music Suite (video)
- Realtime image effects (video)
- Red tool revolver
Fall 2011
(Banner_image, FPGA blog, electronics-lab, Terasic blog, )
- Prime Number Generator and RSA Encrypter/Decrypter
- Air String (video 1, 2, 3) hackaday,
- Game of Life Music Synthesizer (video 1, 2, 3, 4) make, embedded,
- Conway's Game of Life (video 1) hackedgadgets,
- Air Driano (video 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) BOOM 2012 people's choice winner. youtube
- Adaptive Noise Cancellation (youtube 1, 2, 3)
- Additively Synthesized Ocarina (video 1, 2, 3, ) hackaday,
- Video bricks (video 1, 2) hackedgadgets,
- Ethernet Communication Interface
- Visual midi Composer
Fall 2010 CycloneII
(Banner_image, make, fpgablog, electronics-lab, hackedgadgets, hackaday, )- Falling Sand Game (video 1, 2, 3)(youtube search "ece 5760 falling sand game") hackaday
- Video Realtime Cartoonifier (video 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)(youtube search: "ece 5760 cartoon") make
- Virtual Paint (video 1 ,2, 3)
- Stereographic Depth Mapping (video 1, still)
- Fractal Landscape (video 1, 2)(youtube 1, 2)
- 3D pong with video overlay (video 1, 2) hackedgadgets
- Music Visualization (video 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
- PID temperature controller
- WAV player
- Word recognition
Fall 2009 CycloneII
(hacked gadgets, hack-a-day, make, dailyDIY, )- Realtime face tracking (MP4, )
- Green screen chroma key (MP4, 2, 3)
- Sound localizing robot (MP4)
- 2D graphics engine
- 3D render engine
- Keyboard synthesizer (MP4)
- Guitar synthesis (MP4)
- Evolution tic-tac-toe
- Software radio
- JPEG compression engine
- Video communications system
Fall 2008 CycloneII
(slashdot, make, hackzine, hacked gadgets, toysgadgets, dailyDIY)- Parallel Tetris
- Speaker Recognition
- Triangle Graphics Processing Unit (rabbit MP4)
- Brute Force Search of a DES Keyspace (youtube 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Implementing a SoC Design on an FPGA
- L-System (stocastic L-system MP4)
- All Digital, FPGA Based, Lock-in Amplifier
- Simulation of Ideal Gas Particles (500 particles MP4)
- Video guided, ball-following robot (demo run, robot-eye-view MP4) (youtube 1, 2)
Fall 2007 CycloneII
(hacked-gadgets, hackaday, make magazine, geeksinside, fpga4fun, devtoys, fpgablog, EE, innovateNordic, dmoz, )- System-on-Chip Toolkit
- FPGA BBQ Stick video game (mp4)
- Real time Edge extraction (mp4)
- Real time Spectrograph (mp4voice, mp4music)
- Real time, Single Image, Random Dot Stereogram (mov 12 Mbyte, static image)
- Real time audio pitch shifter (mp4)
- FPGA Paint (mp4)
- Parallelized Knuth-Morris-Pratt Search Algorithm
- UDP Network Hardware
- 3D WireMesh Generator
- Light Source Motion Tracking
- Laser tracker
- FPGA Jezzball
- Programmable Discrete Graphics Hardware
- SimpleGPU
- 3D wiremesh
Fall 2006 CycloneII
(hack-a-day, make magazine)- Head related transfer function (Sound spatialization)
- Head related transfer function (pdf version)
- FPGA ray tracer (images 1, 2, 3, 4 mpeg 1, 2) (doc version)
(Circuit Cellar Magazine, page36, Issue #215 June 2008) - Pipelined ray tracer
- Image motion tracker
ECE 5760 thanks:
- INTEL/ALTERA for their donation of development hardware and software
- TERASIC for timely technical support
Site Stats
Year |
Page visits /year |
Page views /year |
Unique visitors/year |
Summaries |
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 |
11,000 32,000 19,000 16,700 22,819 |
50,000 30,000 30,200 38,003 |
26,500 11,000 10,600 14,522 |
Copyright Cornell University
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