ECE 5760: Laboratory 4

Mandelbrot set visualization.


In this assignment you will implement a system to compute and draw the Mandelbrot set, and to zoom in on pieces of the set. A matlab program shows how the computation is done. Note that the numbers are all complex. The image below is from the program output. The x,y axis units are pixels, not natural units. The x axis range is [-2,1] and the y axis [-1,1]. Former TA, Shiva Rajagopal, found a video for Mandelbrot Set made by Cornell students! Lyrics:


Check point

In the first lab section demo a simulation of one complex iterator pipeline.
The number of iterations required should match the equivalent matlab point in the complex plane for at least two points.

Examples from class:

Other links


Your written lab report should include the sections mentioned in the policy page, and :

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