Wireless Retrieval of a Mouse's Vital Signs via RFID

Mouse RFID Image


Currently, there exists no simple, inexpensive, reliable method of non-invasively obtaining a mouse’s vital signs. Most methods involve poking and/or prodding, which tend to excite the mouse, thereby altering pulse and respiration rates from their quiescent values. A novel system is proposed that uses radio frequency identification (RFID) to non-invasively study a mouse’s vital signs. The system consists of a base station and a transponder. The transponder is implanted in a mouse, and communicates wirelessly with the base station. The transponder is powered by the low frequency electric field transmitted from the base station, and requires no internal power supply of its own. Code was written in C for the transponder and base station microcontrollers and a Matlab graphical user interface was written for communication from the base station to a PC. Wireless data is transmitted with a Manchester encoding scheme, for which a novel method of software clock recovery is used. The system is not specific to a mouse (though it is designed with one in mind) and can be applied to any small mammal. Currently, the system is not complete, and requires more work to be done before an experimental trial. Electrical, dimensional, and programming design considerations are discussed, with the actual physical effects of the system on the animal left as an exercise for the reader.

Download the PDF

Base Station C code for Atmel Mega32

Transponder C code for Atmel Tiny13

Matlab GUI .fig file

Matlab GUI .m file

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©2004 Daniel Golden, Cornell University |