7. Schematic

To View, click here

8. Cost details

Atmega32 MCU $8
SenSys ASCX15AN Pressure Sensor (Free – Borrowed)
(2) LMC711 Op Amp (2) $1.60
(2) LM34 temperature sensors (2) $1.89
Humirel HS 1101 Humidity Sensor $9
(5) 1K Resistors (1% tolerance .4W) (5) $.19
(1) 576K Resistor (1% tolerance .4W) $.19
(1) 909K Resistor (1% tolerance .4W) $.19
(1) 49.9K Resistor (1% tolerance .4W) $.19

Total: $25.50

9. Specific Tasks

We worked together on the majority of tasks because we found it helped produe higher quality code. We did do several things individually when we felt it would improve our productivity.


1) Temperature Sensor Hardware - Thomas
2) Pressure Sensor Hardware - Andy & Thomas
3) Humidity Sensor Hardware - Andy & Thomas
4) Humidity Sensor (External Interupt) Code - Andy
5) Unit Conversion - Thomas
6) Dewpoint Research and Code - Thomas
7) Final report - Thomas & Andy
8) Webpage format of report - Andy
9) Graphing Code - Andy
10) Options Code - Thomas and Andy
11) Op-amp Setup with gain for Temp sensors - Thomas
12) ANSI Color research and code - Andy
13) Data View - Andy
14) Pressure Rise / Fall Research - Andy
15) Pressure Rise / Fall Code - Thomas
16) EEProm Storage - Andy
17) All other Code too small to mention was usually implimented by both Andy & Thomas

10. References Used

10.1 Data Sheets

Humirel HS 1101 - http://rocky.digikey.com/WebLib/Humirel/HS1101.pdf
LM34 - http://rocky.digikey.com/WebLib/National/JPN%20DS/LM34series.pdf
LMC711 - http://rocky.digikey.com/WebLib/National/JPN%20DS/LMC7111.pdf
ASCX15AN - http://rocky.digikey.com/WebLib/Honeywell-Sensym/Web%20Data/ASCX%20Series.pdf
Mega32 - http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/ee476/AtmelStuff/full32.pdf

10.2 Vendor Sites


10.3 Background Sites / Referances

Website Used for Calculating Dewpoint:



High Level Design