5.1 Expectations vs. Results, Improvements

For the most part, our expectations of the project were not too different from the results of our work. There were occasional setbacks in programming the software side, but nothing insurmountable. If we had more time, we would have tried to do a few more things. First, we would see if we could make some kind of “homemade” wind-detector, since we could not find any purchasable hardware that fitted our needs. We would also see if we could make some kind of UV detector, using a UV LED. Ideally we would have liked to have packaged the system up into a neat package, able to be hung outside, or on a wall by a door/window, but without our own LCD and because several parts were borrowed or donated, this was not possible.

5.3 Intellectual Property Considerations

Intellectual property considerations do not really play into our project too much. We did not reuse code or someone else's design, except for perhaps the temperature sensor's amplification idea. We did not use an code in the public domain. We did not reverse-engineer anything. We did not have to sign any non-disclosures to get sample parts, but we did promise to return the TLC555 demo chip to the humidity sensor manufacturer. There are no real patent opportunities for such a weather station, as there seem to be similar devices widely available.

5.4 Ethical Considerations

To be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data;

We are being 100% accurate with our report of this project. We are not fabricating any data or making any wild claims.

To improve the understanding of technology, its appropriate application, and potential consequences;

We hope that by providing the general public with this report, we can help people understand how to make a weather station, so that perhaps they can make one themselves. This is actually a very practical device; many people have manufactured versions of such devices is their homes.

To maintain and improve our technical competence and to undertake technological tasks for others only if qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure of pertinent limitations;

We feel that our technical competence has indeed improved much while working on the project. Besides a few setbacks, the project was manageable. We also did not want to undertake a task that we were not qualified for, and felt that our weather station satisfied that condition.

To seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of technical work, to acknowledge and correct errors, and to credit properly the contributions of others;

We would like to acknowledge the help we received from Humirel, the humidity sensor manufacturer. They sent us the demo board which has the TLC555, humidity sensor, and resistors all prepackaged and ready to go. The personnel at Humirel were very helpful when we called them with questions. We would also like to credit Prof. Land, because the entire weather station idea stemmed from the temperature sensor lab.

To avoid injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious action;

We hope that we have chosen a project that is relatively harmless. Using our weather station does not really carry any serious risk of electrical shock or other form of harm.

High Level Design