Done by Xuemin Hang |
Done by Marcel Geyuan Xu |
Write code for direct digital synthesis for audio output.
Experiment with different schemes (using interrupts vs writing assembly loop
in main). |
Research on popular methods on digital synthesis, including
the possibility of using a Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) chip to produce
most of the waveforms needed. |
Write code for detecting pushbuttons (notes of the keyboard)
such that the sound is sustained if the note is held. |
Procurement of necessary parts such as the sample MCU from
Atmel, the DDS chip from Analog Devices (which was not used eventually) and
so on. |
Improve the music synthesis such that chords can be played.
Experiment with different methods such as internal addition of digital
output or external recombination of voltages. |
Experiment, using Matlab, different theoretical ratios of
harmonics of flute, clarinet and trombone. Trial and error with equations
for other instruments until the waveforms look like the sample waveshapes.
Write code for TV display. Display the 2 sets of stave on the
TV, with the top stave being in the treble range and the bottom in the bass
range. Buttons pushed are displayed on the screen. |
Write code for creating wavetables for instrument timbre
using equations. Instruments included are flute, clarinet, piccolo, oboe,
horn, trombone, trumpet, plucked string and steel drum. A pure sine wave is
used as the default waveform. |
Design the two TV games such that they test the music
player’s sight-reading ability and fulfill and educational purpose. Write
code to implement the game. |
Fine-tuning of musical instruments sounds by tweaking the
harmonic equations and modulating the wave envelope. Since Marcel has been
in the symphonic band for over 6 years, he could evaluate many instrument
sounds with his ear. |
Laid out the hardware for the keyboard pushbuttons. Wired the
grounding supplies of the pushbuttons so that they may be used as a
keyboard. |
Laid out resistors for the video and audio DACS, as well as
all other hardware except for the keyboard pushbuttons. |
Design aesthetic packaging of the project. Make the whole
mess of wires seems more pleasing to the sight. |
Solder a replica of the STK500 board including ports A, B, C,
D and the programming connection. Debug the solder connections when
programming fails to execute.
Write sections of the report and design
the aesthetic of the website. |
Wrote sections of the report. Created
the website for the project and formatted the report on the webpage.