
Appendix A

The group approves this report for inclusion on the course website.

The group approves the video for inclusion on the course youtube channel.

Appendix B: Tasking

David set up the CocoTB environment and wrote a model and testbenches to use.

Stephen and David implemented the ALU together, and Stephen implemented the look-ahead carry generator while David was working on CocoTB.

Stephen made the QSYS modifications and worked on fractional zoom and animation while David was working on some of the optimizations mentioned, including the updated VGA driver. Stephen and David both, separately and unsuccessfully, attempted to reduce the added multiplier state while only using two multipliers per solver.

We were often changing two different versions of the verilog with David running Quartus on his personal laptop and Stephen using the lab computers, in order to make faster progress while waiting for 15-40 minute compiles.

Appendix C: References

References are directly hyperlinked within the different sections of the website

Appendix D: Code


