Spider Simulation: Abstract

Extended Features
Future Direction

Video playback methodology is an experimental technique that is used in many animal behavior studies. This approach allows the scientist to simulate and control traits in species that would otherwise be impossible to reproduce in a laboratory. It involves manipulation of video sequences that can change the temporal arrangement of frames or the morphological traits of the specimen under study. However, the drawbacks of such a methodology is the time and effort necessary for creating such video sequences.

In Eileen Hebets' research of courtship display among wolf spiders[3], video playback is the precise technique used in her studies. In order to address the issues surrounding this methodology, I began working with my advisor Bruce Land, to determine what types of simulation programs could be developed that would assist Eileen in her experiments. The primary goal of this project was then to create a user controllable simulation of a spider. The graphical user interface portion was implemented in Matlab for simplicity[5]. For performance, the actual rendering of the spider was done in OpenGL/Visual C++. This report covers the design of both the Matlab GUI and the OpenGL/Visual C++ rendering of the spider. In addition, it discusses how the two programs interface through the use of MEX-files and contains demonstrations of the final application.

Masters of Engineering Report December 2002

by Becky Chu