    ECE 4760 Fall 2021
    Final Project
    Amulya Khurana (ak2425), Aparajito Saha (as2537), Krithik Ranjan (kr397)
    Main code for system implementation.
    Includes ISRs for distance capture using the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and sound generation using DDS.
    Also includes protothreads for receiving button input, sound, distance, and servo motor rotation.
    // clock and protoThreads configure
    #include "config_1_3_2.h"
    // threading library
    #include "pt_cornell_1_3_2.h"
    // graphics libraries
    #include "tft_master.h"
    #include "tft_gfx.h"
    // some precise, fixed, short delays
    #define NOP asm("nop");
    // 20 cycles 
    // 40 cycles
    #define wait40 wait20;wait20;
    // 400 cycles = 10 us
    #define wait400 wait40;wait40;wait40;wait40;wait40;wait40;wait40;wait40;wait40;wait40;
    // internal pull down for button
    #define EnablePullDownB(bits) CNPUBCLR=bits; CNPDBSET=bits;
    // system 1 second interval tick
    int sys_time_seconds ;
    // Variable for tracking time in s since button press
    int curr_time_seconds = 0;
    // === thread structures ============================================
    // HC-SR04 Variables
    int trig_flag = 0;
    //  the measured period of the wave
    short capture1, last_capture1=0, capture_period=99 ;
    int capture_flag = 0;
    // global variable for distance
    float curr_distance = 400;
    volatile int button_pressed = 0;
    int button_servo_flag = 0;
    static int button_state = 0;
    static int button_possible = 0;
    // the read-pattern if no button is pulled down by an output
    #define no_button (0x70)
    // Servo variables
    #define SERVO_NEG60 2500
    #define SERVO_POS60 5500
    int curr_pwm = 2500;
    unsigned int pwm_period = 50000;
    int servo_thread_flag = 0;
    // 3D audio variables 
    #define DAC_config_chan_A 0b0011000000000000
    #define DAC_config_chan_B 0b1011000000000000
    #define Fs 20000.0
    #define two32 4294967296.0 // 2^32 
    // starting frequency 
    #define C4_f 261.63
    #define sustain_constant (_Accum)(256.0/20000.0) ; // seconds per decay update
    float Fout;
    //== Timer 2 interrupt handler ===========================================
    // actual scaled DAC 
    volatile unsigned int DAC_data_A, DAC_data_B;
    // SPI
    volatile SpiChannel spiChn = SPI_CHANNEL2 ;	// the SPI channel to use
    volatile int spiClkDiv = 2 ; // 20 MHz max speed for this DAC
    // the DDS units: 1=FM, 2=main frequency
    volatile unsigned int phase_accum_fm_lt, phase_incr_fm_lt;// 
    volatile unsigned int phase_accum_main_lt, phase_incr_main_lt;//'
    volatile unsigned int phase_accum_fm_rt, phase_incr_fm_rt;// 
    volatile unsigned int phase_accum_main_rt, phase_incr_main_rt;//
    // DDS sine table
    #define sine_table_size 256
    volatile _Accum sine_table[sine_table_size];
    // Parameters for FM synthesis
    _Accum attack_main  =(_Accum) 0.001;
    _Accum attack_fm    =(_Accum) 0.001;
    _Accum dk_main      =(_Accum) 0.90;
    _Accum dk_fm        =(_Accum) 0.80;
    _Accum fm_depth     =(_Accum) 2.2;
    volatile _Accum env_fm_lt, env_main_lt, env_fm_rt, env_main_rt;
    volatile _Accum dk_state_main_lt, attack_state_main_lt, dk_state_fm_lt, attack_state_fm_lt;
    volatile _Accum dk_state_main_rt, attack_state_main_rt, dk_state_fm_rt, attack_state_fm_rt;
    volatile _Accum wave_main;
    // time scaling for decay calculation
    volatile int dk_interval; // wait some samples between decay calcs
    volatile _Accum sustain_state, sustain_interval = 0;
    // profiling of ISR
    volatile int isr_time;
    // Variables for sound localization
    volatile int ITD_cycles;
    volatile int sound_counter = 0;
    volatile _Accum IID_atten;
    // Variables for distance mapping 
    float curr_angle = -60.0;
    #define HEAD_RADIUS 0.08
    int sound_thread_flag = 0;
    int dist_buff[7];
    int freq_buff[7];
    int ind = 0;
    // == Capture 1 ISR ====================================================
    // check every cpature for consistency
    void __ISR(_INPUT_CAPTURE_1_VECTOR, ipl3) C1Handler(void)
        if (trig_flag == 1)
            last_capture1 = mIC1ReadCapture();
            trig_flag = 0;
            capture1 = mIC1ReadCapture();
            capture_period = capture1 - last_capture1;
            capture_flag = 1;
        // clear the timer interrupt flag
    //==== ISR for DDS =====================================================
    void __ISR(_TIMER_4_VECTOR, ipl2) Timer4Handler(void)
            // init the exponential decays
            // by adding energy to the exponential filters 
        // envelope calculations are 256 times slower than sample rate
        // computes 4 exponential decays and builds the product envelopes
        if ((dk_interval++ & 0xff) == 0){
            dk_state_fm_lt       = dk_state_fm_lt * dk_fm;
            dk_state_main_lt     = dk_state_main_lt * dk_main;
            attack_state_fm_lt   = attack_state_fm_lt * attack_fm;
            attack_state_main_lt = attack_state_main_lt * attack_main;
            dk_state_fm_rt       = dk_state_fm_rt * dk_fm;
            dk_state_main_rt     = dk_state_main_rt * dk_main;
            attack_state_fm_rt   = attack_state_fm_rt * attack_fm;
            attack_state_main_rt = attack_state_main_rt * attack_main;
            env_fm_lt   = (fm_depth - attack_state_fm_lt) * dk_state_fm_lt;
            env_main_lt = ((_Accum) 1 - attack_state_main_lt) * dk_state_main_lt;
            env_fm_rt   = (fm_depth - attack_state_fm_rt) * dk_state_fm_rt;
            env_main_rt = ((_Accum) 1 - attack_state_main_rt) * dk_state_main_rt;
            if(sustain_state < sustain_interval) {
                dk_state_main_lt = (_Accum) 1;
                dk_state_main_rt = (_Accum) 1;
                sustain_state = sustain_state + sustain_constant ;
        if(curr_angle >= 0)
            // FM phase
            phase_accum_fm_lt += phase_incr_fm_lt; 
            // main phase
            phase_accum_main_lt += phase_incr_main_lt + (sine_table[phase_accum_fm_lt>>24] * env_fm_lt);
            wave_main = (sine_table[phase_accum_main_lt>>24] * env_main_lt);
            // truncate to 12 bits, read table, convert to int and add offset
            DAC_data_A = DAC_config_chan_A | ((int) wave_main + 2048) ; 
            if (sound_counter > ITD_cycles) 
                // FM phase
                phase_accum_fm_rt += phase_incr_fm_rt ; 
                // main phase
                phase_accum_main_rt += phase_incr_main_rt + (sine_table[phase_accum_fm_rt>>24] * env_fm_rt);
                wave_main = (sine_table[phase_accum_main_rt>>24] * env_main_rt);
                if(IID_atten > 0) wave_main = wave_main / IID_atten;
                DAC_data_B = DAC_config_chan_B | ((int) wave_main + 2048) ; 
            // FM phase
            phase_accum_fm_rt += phase_incr_fm_rt; 
            // main phase
            phase_accum_main_rt += phase_incr_main_rt + (sine_table[phase_accum_fm_rt>>24] * env_fm_rt) ;
            wave_main = (sine_table[phase_accum_main_rt>>24] * env_main_rt);
            // truncate to 12 bits, read table, convert to int and add offset
            DAC_data_B = DAC_config_chan_B| ((int) wave_main + 2048) ; 
            if (sound_counter > ITD_cycles) 
                // FM phase
                phase_accum_fm_lt += phase_incr_fm_lt ; 
                // main phase
                phase_accum_main_lt += phase_incr_main_lt + (sine_table[phase_accum_fm_lt>>24] * env_fm_lt) ;
                wave_main = (sine_table[phase_accum_main_lt>>24] * env_main_lt);
                if(IID_atten > 0) wave_main = (wave_main / IID_atten);
                DAC_data_A = DAC_config_chan_A | ((int) wave_main + 2048); 
        // === Channel A =============
        // CS low to start transaction
            mPORTBClearBits(BIT_4); // start transaction
            // write to spi2
        while (SPI2STATbits.SPIBUSY); // wait for end of transaction
        mPORTBSetBits(BIT_4); // end transaction
        while (SPI2STATbits.SPIBUSY); // wait for end of transaction
        // === Channel B =============
        // CS low to start transaction
            mPORTBClearBits(BIT_4); // start transaction
            // write to spi2
        while (SPI2STATbits.SPIBUSY); // wait for end of transaction
        mPORTBSetBits(BIT_4); // end transaction
        isr_time = max(ReadTimer4(), isr_time); // - isr_time;
    } // end ISR TIMER2
    // === Button Thread ======================================================
    static PT_THREAD (protothread_button(struct pt *pt))
            static char buffer[128];
            while(1) {
                // yield time 30 msec
                PT_YIELD_TIME_msec(30) ;
                // Button push FSM
                // Find the current push button input from IO
                unsigned int push_out = mPORTBReadBits( BIT_7 );
                // BIT 7 set in push_out based on whether push button pressed; right shift by 7 to get
                // 0/1 flag
                push_out = push_out >> 7;
                push_out = !push_out;
                // State NOT_PRESSED: Move to MAYBE_PRESSED if detected push
                if (button_state == 0) 
                if (push_out == 0) {
                    button_state = 0;
                    button_state = 1; 
                    button_possible = 1;
                // State MAYBE_PRESSED: If push detected again, move to PRESSED, else back to NOT_PRESSED
                // When moving to PRESSED, trigger action using button_pressed flag
                else if (button_state == 1)
                if (push_out == button_possible) {
                    button_state = 2;
                    button_pressed = 1;
                    button_servo_flag = 1;
                    ind = 0;
                    button_state = 0;
                // State PRESSED: Key pressed confirmed; stay in this state as long as same key detected
                else if (button_state == 2) 
                button_pressed = 0;
                if (push_out == button_possible) button_state = 2;
                else button_state = 3;
                // State MAYBE_NOT_PRESSED: Push no longer detected, move back to PRESSED if 
                // found again, else move to NOT_PRESSED 
                if (push_out == button_possible) button_state = 2;
                else {
                    button_state = 0;
                // NEVER exit while
            } // END WHILE(1)
    } // 
    // === Distance Thread ======================================================
    // Calculates the current distance by outputting a trigger and measuring 
    // duration of echo (done using input capture ISR)
    static PT_THREAD (protothread_distance(struct pt *pt))
        // string buffer
        static char buffer[128];
        while(1) {
            // yield time 1 second
            // Trigger
            trig_flag = 1;
            // Wait until input captured 
            while (!capture_flag);
            // Calculate distance 
            float echo_time = (float)capture_period * 6.4;
            curr_distance = 0.034 * echo_time * 0.5;
            if (curr_distance < 5.0) curr_distance = 5.0;
            dist_buff[ind] = (int)curr_distance;
            capture_flag = 0;
            // Enable sound thread if button has been pressed
            if (button_servo_flag == 1)
                sound_thread_flag = 1;
            } // END WHILE(1)
    // === Sound thread =========================================================
    // Thread to produce a FM sound with frequency determined by distance 
    static PT_THREAD (protothread_sound(struct pt *pt))
            static char buffer[128];
            while(1) {
            // yield until button pressed
            PT_YIELD_UNTIL(pt, sound_thread_flag == 1);
            sys_time_seconds++ ;
            int n;
            if (curr_distance > 200) n = 48; // max distance limit = 2 metres
            else n = 37 - floor(curr_distance / 5.5); 
            // Calculate note frequency
            Fout = C4_f * pow(2, n / 12.0);
            freq_buff[ind] = (int)Fout;
            // increment phases
            phase_incr_fm_rt= (int) (3 * Fout * two32/Fs);
            phase_incr_main_rt= (int) (Fout * two32/Fs);
            phase_incr_fm_lt=(int) (3 * Fout * two32/Fs);
            phase_incr_main_lt= (int) (Fout * two32/Fs);
            // Calculate time delay
            float angle = curr_angle * 3.14 / 180;
            float ITD_seconds = (3 * HEAD_RADIUS * sin(angle)) / 340;
            ITD_cycles = abs((int)(ITD_seconds * Fs));
            // Calculate amplitude
            IID_atten = (_Accum)(1 + (pow( Fout / 1000, 0.8) * fabs(sin(angle))));
            // reset FM synthesis variables
            dk_state_fm_lt = fm_depth; 
            dk_state_fm_rt = fm_depth; 
            dk_state_main_lt = (_Accum) 1; 
            dk_state_main_rt = (_Accum) 1; 
            attack_state_fm_lt = fm_depth; 
            attack_state_main_rt = (_Accum) 1; 
            attack_state_fm_lt= fm_depth; 
            attack_state_main_rt = (_Accum) 1; 
            phase_accum_fm_lt = 0;
            phase_accum_main_lt = 0;
            phase_accum_fm_rt = 0;
            phase_accum_main_rt = 0;
            dk_interval = 0;
            sustain_state = 0;
            // Produce the sound
            sound_counter = 0;
            curr_angle += 20;
            if (curr_angle > 60) curr_angle = -60.0;  
            // Enable servo thread
            servo_thread_flag = 1;
            sound_thread_flag = 0;
            // NEVER exit while
            } // END WHILE(1)
    } // thread 4
    // === Servo Thread =================================================
    // Do a servo sweep from -60 to +60 deg 
    static PT_THREAD (protothread_servo(struct pt *pt))
        while(1) {
            // yield until sound produced
            PT_YIELD_UNTIL(pt, servo_thread_flag == 1);
            // Sweep the angle by changing the PWM duty cycle
            curr_pwm += 500;
            if (curr_pwm > 5500) 
                curr_pwm = 2500;
                button_servo_flag = 0;
            servo_thread_flag = 0;
            // NEVER exit while
        } // END WHILE(1)
    } // servo thread
    // === Main  ======================================================
    int main(void)
        // SETUP FOR SERVO 
        // === Config timer and output compares to make pulses ========
        // set up timer2 for output capture
        OpenTimer2(T2_ON | T2_SOURCE_INT | T2_PS_1_16, pwm_period);
        // set up compare3 for double compare mode
        OpenOC3(OC_ON | OC_TIMER2_SRC | OC_PWM_FAULT_PIN_DISABLE, 0, 0); //
        // OC3 is PPS group 4, map to RPB9 (pin 18)
        PPSOutput(4, RPB9, OC3);
        // Initialize servo for -60 deg
        // Setup TRIG pin to be output and low
        // === Config timer3 free running ==========================
        // set up timer3 as a souce for input capture
        // and let it overflow for contunuous readings
        OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_SOURCE_INT | T3_PS_1_256, 0xffff);
        // === set up input capture ================================
        OpenCapture1(  IC_EVERY_EDGE | IC_INT_1CAPTURE | IC_TIMER3_SRC | IC_ON );
        // turn on the interrupt so that every capture can be recorded
        ConfigIntCapture1(IC_INT_ON | IC_INT_PRIOR_3 | IC_INT_SUB_PRIOR_3 );
        // connect PIN 24 to IC1 capture unit
        PPSInput(3, IC1, RPB13);
        // Set up timer2 on,  interrupts, internal clock, prescalar 1, toggle rate
        // at 30 MHz PB clock 60 counts is two microsec
        // 400 is 100 ksamples/sec
        // 2000 is 20 ksamp/sec
        OpenTimer4(T4_ON | T4_SOURCE_INT | T4_PS_1_1, 2000);
        // set up the timer interrupt with a priority of 2
        ConfigIntTimer4(T4_INT_ON | T4_INT_PRIOR_2);
        mT4ClearIntFlag(); // and clear the interrupt flag
        // SCK2 is pin 26 
        // SDO2 (MOSI) is in PPS output group 2, could be connected to RB5 which is pin 14
        PPSOutput(2, RPB5, SDO2);
        // control CS for DAC
        // Configure pins for button
        EnablePullDownB( BIT_7 );
        // divide Fpb by 2, configure the I/O ports. Not using SS in this example
        // 16 bit transfer CKP=1 CKE=1
        // For any given peripherial, you will need to match these
        SpiChnOpen(spiChn, SPI_OPEN_ON | SPI_OPEN_MODE16 | SPI_OPEN_MSTEN | SPI_OPEN_CKE_REV , spiClkDiv);
        // turn off the sustain until triggered
        sustain_state = (_Accum)(100.0);
        // build the sine lookup table
        // scaled to produce values between 0 and 4096
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < sine_table_size; i++){
                sine_table[i] =  (_Accum)(2047*sin((float)i*6.283/(float)sine_table_size));
        // === config the uart, DMA, vref, timer5 ISR ===========
        // === setup system wide interrupts  ====================
        pt_add(protothread_button, 1);
        pt_add(protothread_distance, 1);
        // pt_add(protothread_time, 1);
        pt_add(protothread_sound, 1);
        pt_add(protothread_servo, 1);
        // === initalize the scheduler ====================
        PT_INIT(&pt_sched) ;
        // >>> CHOOSE the scheduler method: <<<
        // (1)
        // SCHED_ROUND_ROBIN just cycles thru all defined threads
        //pt_sched_method = SCHED_ROUND_ROBIN ;
        // (2)
        // SCHED_RATE executes some threads more often then others
        // -- rate=0 fastest, rate=1 half, rate=2 quarter, rate=3 eighth, rate=4 sixteenth,
        // -- rate=5 or greater DISABLE thread!
        // pt_sched_method = SCHED_RATE ;
        pt_sched_method = SCHED_ROUND_ROBIN ;
        // === scheduler thread =======================
        // scheduler never exits
        // ============================================
    } // main