Using Color in Hyper Terminal

Using Color in Hyper Terminal is easy using VT100/ANSI escape codes. To change the foreground (text) color in your program, send the escape character ^[, represented by 0x1b followed by a color command. The following is a list of valid color choices:

[30m -- set foreground color to black

[31m -- set foreground color to red

[32m -- set foreground color to green

[33m -- set foreground color to yellow

[34m -- set foreground color to blue

[35m -- set foreground color to magenta (purple)

[36m -- set foreground color to cyan

[37m -- set foreground color to white

For example, to print "Hello World!" in Red, you would use the following embeded C instruction:

printf("%c[31mHello World!",0x1b);

Keep in mind that any text after this will still be in red unless the following command is sent to change the font color back to black:

printf("%c[30mThis text is in black again ",0x1b);

High Level Design