This website is my final project for the computational section of BioNB222, Introduction to Neurobiology. For my final project, I wrote a program in Matlab to attempt to simulate spatial learning in the hippocampus of a rat. Much of my work was based upon the work of
Professor Colin Molter.
This page is divided into five sections. First, I give a brief general background on spatial memory in the hippocampus, and a slightly more detailed background on Professor Molter's paper, the one that guided my project. Next, I describe my project. I provide a description of how to run the program. Also included in this section is the matlab code itself, as well as the powerpoint slides I gave in class. The next section is devoted to my resluts. Following that is a discussion of my results, of Dr. Molter's results, and potential sources of error. Last is a page containing references, acknowledgements, and useful links.
Thank you for taking the time to view my website. I welcome any feedback. This project was primarily for class, but if I have free time, I will attempt to continue to improve the program.