Zachary Glass, BioNB222 Final Project


This page will simply show all of the graphs that MolterNetwork.m prints. Each graph will have a brief description above it. The implications of each graph will be explained in the Discussion section next. The discussion section will not display the images themselves, but it will link to them.

Figure 1 plots the phase of each LFP with time on the same graph.
graph of the local field potentials

Figure 2 plots the output of each phase with time during the learning phase. Each cell is depicted as a different color.
Graph of cell outputs

Figures 3 and 4 are Rastor plots of the outputs during the learning phase
Rastor of ECII cells during learning phase Rastor of CA3 cells during learning phase

Figure 5 plots the output of each phase with time during the reactivation phase. Again, each cell is depicted as a different color.
Graph of cell outputs

Figure 6 is a Rastor plot of the CA3 cells during reactivation.
Rastor of CA3 cells during reactivation phase

LAST: Use and Download NEXT: Discussion

Zachary Glass
BioNB222 Computational Section
Final Project
May 6, 2008