Results & Conclusion


The result of our project is our video game working perfectly fine. It has the speed that we targeted for that is screen does not flicker, stick moves correctly and movements of images are pretty smooth. The game theory is also accurate. Our game is quite safe as it does not include any RF signals and noise in it. The best part of our game is that its very user friendly. Anyone can play it and gets addictedJ. We have documented the design of our game in such a way that anybody can alter it by reading our documentation.

Hardware Usage 

Below are the details of our hardware usage. We ate all almost all the bits of memory available on Altera DE2 board. Due to the lack of the memory we were not able to make the resolution of our image much sharper. But we have tried to use available resources in an efficient manner to get a pretty decent image on a screen.

 Altera Cyclone II  EP2C35F672C6 





Total logic elements

7,598 / 33,216 ( 23 % )

Total registers

3,691 / 34,593 ( 11 % )


101 / 105 ( 96 % )

Total memory bits

393,408 / 483,840 ( 81 % )

Total RAM block bits

483,840 / 483,840 ( 100 % )

Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements

4 / 70 ( 6 % )


1 / 4 ( 25 % )

Below are the pictures and video of our final game.


Just Started the Game



Catching Cute Meat Balls




You Lost


 Please click here to see our FPGA BBQ Stick Game Video.


YC(Left) and Bilal (Right)



Our video game known as BBQ Stick worked really well. It is now performing all the features that we aimed for. Now user can catch the cute and sweet meet balls on the BBQ stick very well. We can easily increase and decrease the level of difficulties. We can easily change the color of the BBQ stick as well as the mouse cursor.

We are getting two hundred and fifty five vibrant colors for each pixel. The limited size of the memory that is SRAM limited our design to 8 bits per pixel but still it full fills our requirement. We could get more colorful picture if we have an access to large memory.

At the start of the project we aimed to add more features in the game that is to make it multiple players using multiple DE2 Boards. Further we aimed to make the communication between the DE2 Boards more secure by adding encryption. But the design of the game became too complex than expected. We were expecting Altera and Terasic to provide the logic to display a colorful picture but unfortunately there was no such logic available and we had to design it from scratch. It took us a lot of time to write that logic. Therefore we are adding these features as future propositions.

We learned a lot through this project. This project has sharpened our concept of VGA controller and the software-hardware interface. We learned a lot about different memory interfaces. This project involved almost all kinds of memories that are SRAM, RAM , ROM and SDRAM. This project not only tested our technical skills but also our temperament. There were times that we almost lost hope but we recovered through constant concentration and hard work. We want to thank Dr. Land for his continued assistance through out the project. Without his help we would not be able to achieve what we have today.

Future Propositions

Make this game multiple player using multiple DE2 boards.

Make the communication between the DE2 boards by adding runtime encryption.



Muhammad Bilal Shahid & Yang-Ching Cheng

IntroductionHigh Level  DesignProgram/Hardware DesignResults & ConclusionTricks & InventionsAppendix