Quiz Lockout, Scoreboard, and Timer System Using Microcontollers

By Richard J. D. West

Original Abstract

The goal of this Master of Engineering design project was to build a control and scoring system for high school quiz bowls. The system consists of a moderator unit and player units which ensures that only one of eight players may buzz-in to answer a question. A scoreboard and timer unit design is discussed which is flexible enough for any style of competition. Since the printed circuit boards are being fabricated as this report goes to print, no field tests of the complete system have been conducted. However, individual components have been tested, and additional work on the project will continue after this report is printed. Please visit [this page] for complete and uptodate documentation, source code, schematics, and layouts in full color.


This design project is dedicated to the members of the Colchester High School Scholars' Bowl team past, present, and future. May we continue to compete strong and have fun doing it. Mr. Devino and Mr. Desrosiers, thank you for a great four years of competition. Hopefully this system will last longer than the old one did.

-- Richard J. D. West, Colchester High School Class of 2002

The original MEng design report in full color (4.7 MB)

Updates Since Publishing

There have been no updates since publishing this MEng design report.

Source Code, Schematics, and Layouts

Moderator and Player Unitsmod_m32.c (6 kB)moderator.pdf (118 kB)
moderator.dch -- DipTrace file (268 kB)
moderator.pdf (208 kB)
moderator.dip -- DipTrace file (154 kB)
moderator.zip -- Gerber files (526 kB)
Remote for Scoreboard and Timer Unitremote.asm (4 kB)
Scoreboard and Timer Unitsb_m32.c (17 kB)
sb_t26.c (6 kB)
schematic.pdf (240 kB)
schematic.dch -- DipTrace file (459 kB)
schematic.pdf (320 kB)
schematic.dip -- DipTrace file (296 kB)
scoreboard.zip -- Gerber files (1.4 MB)