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ECE 1810 will cover fundamental electrical engineering concepts with a focus on their potential application in life sciences. The course will be divided into segments, each of which includes a set of fundamental electrical engineering theories and a biological application where these theories can be directly applied. The basic theories include electric circuits, signal processing, control/dynamic systems and optics, while the biological applications include examples drawn from neurobiology, cell system dynamics, and medical practice. The class is designed to motivate potential engineering students who have an interest in designing electronic devices and instrumentations for biological and medical applications. The course is taught by Xiling Shen and Bruce Land, who are staff members in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Policy | Assignments | Staff and Schedule | Links

Assignments   Lab exercises | Reading

Homework assignments
All are due on the day indicated at the beginning of class.

  1. Homework 1: Due Sept 7
  2. Homework 2: Due Sept 14
  3. Homework 3: Due Sept 21
  4. Homework 4: Due Sept 28
  5. Homework 5: Due Oct 19
  6. Homework 6: Due Oct 26

Lab Assignments

  1. Introduction to lab hardware and software (Sept 8)
  2. Transistor Models of the heart -- part 1 SA node (Sept 15)
  3. Transistor models of the heart -- part 2 SA node + vertricle (Sept 22)
  4. Transistor models of the heart -- part 3 pacemaker + SA node + vertricle (Sept29)
  5. Microfluidics -- Image analysis, Matlab Tutorial, Lecture slides, Computation Tips, matlab code (Oct 15)
  6. Opamp circuits (Oct 27)
  7. Pulse meter part 1 (Nov 3)
  8. Pulse meter part 2
  9. Other uses of IR
  10. Repressilator -- e. coli
  11. Repressilator -- part 1 build
  12. Repressilator -- part 2 synchronize

Reading Assignments

All semester:

Week of Aug 22:

Week of Aug 29:

  • Textbook 2.1-2.3, 2.5, 2.11

Week of Sept 5

  • Textbook 2.12.2-2.12.3, 2.13, 2.17

Week of Sept 12:

  • Textbook 2.20, 2.23, 4.3 (only pages 439-446)


Schedule and Staff    Schedule | Staff

  • Lecture: MW 02:55PM - 04:10PM Phillips 407
  • Lab Section: 238 Phillips, Wed 8-10am, Thur 12-2 or 2-4:30
  • Office hours: 214 Phillips, 12-3 Tues or during the Wed morning lab section

  • Bruce Land
    Xiling Shen
  • TAs: Kai-Yuan Chen, Herman Yang‎, Nicholas Kramer

Links  Cornell | Analog | Biomedical | Journals | Society