In terms of objectives completed, our project was completely successful. We were able to complete all the goals that we established in our proposal. The final product consists of a Custom Handheld Game Console with its own PCB and 3-d printed case and a game inspired in the Snake vs Blocks game. In terms of improvements, we could definitely include better audio effects and take advantage of the microSD port in the TFT display breakout to save more complicated sound effects. We could also use this memory storage device to save top scores. In addition, we could also use memory storage devices such as microSD cards for the storage of other games, but this will also require the development of code to load the game and pass data from the card to the PIC32. Moreover, we could also improve both the PCB and 3-d printed case designs to obtain a smaller device and include an easy external access to the batteries through the case; we can also include the possibility to externally alter the volume of the audio system through the use of a wheel potentiometer. All these improvements could be done in future revisions of the product, but in general we felt very satisfied with our project, where we were able to work in the interaction of mechanical, electrical and digital systems.