Virtual Pool in a Box


Virtual Pool Trainer – Pool in a Box

Danny and Anthony are pool game lovers.  Both claim to have gotten the world pool championship at a certain point in time (though they refused to say exactly when).  A pool cue can be decently cheap, and so are the pool balls.  But the biggest constraint of all is the pool table, for it is not only expensive, but also big and bulky.  As such, most pool players like them have to play pool only at gaming centers, and get ripped off at high rates per hour, especially at the popular weekend hours.

Sure enough, there are numerous online pool games, of which Yahoo pool is D & A's personal favorite.  But, these online games are not satisfying, because like most games, they do not have the feel of a real game of pool.  To replace a moving cuestick with a lifeless mouse, and to simulate the force of a whole arm with the click of a finger certainly takes a large part of the fun away.  As such, a PC pool expert, locked away in his room, secretly training remains helpless at the pool table itself.

Hence, their mission:

To build a virtual pool trainer, simulating reality with an LCD, capturing reality with a real cue in hand.


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