Parameterizable Convolution Accelerator Design


Appendix A

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The existing project we refrenced

The design was based on an existing project(source: ​​ )

We reference the following source code from the existing project, utilizing them akin to an IP core to construct our own conversion layer: Module_sub_zero_point_1x8.v, module_quant.v, module_pool_kernel.v, linebuffer_3x3_type_x6.v, linebuffer_3x3_collect.v, linebuffer_2x2_type_x6.v, conv.v, com_shift_reg.v, com_mux_int8_6sel1.v, cal_sub_zero_point.v, cal_scale_shift.v, cal_scale_mul.v, cal_scale.v, cal_sat_int18_int16.v, cal_sat_int16_int8.v, cal_relu.v, cal_max_2x2.v, cal_comparator.v, cal_addtree_int18_x8.v, cal_addtree_int16_x9.v, and cal_acc.v.


[1] LeNet Visualization by Alex Lenail. Available at: Accessed on May 15th.

[2] Spatial Programming Language. Available at: Accessed on May 15th.

[3] Max Pool Layer in NumPyNet. Available at: Accessed on May 15th.

[4] GPTQ Paper on Machine Learning Systems. Available at: Accessed on May 15th.

[5] Aranda, Luis & Reviriego, Pedro & Maestro, Juan Antonio. (2018). Protecting Image Processing Pipelines against Configuration Memory Errors in SRAM-Based FPGAs. Electronics. 7. 322. 10.3390/electronics7110322.

[6] Bruce Land, "FPGA/HPS communication," Cornell University, ECE 5760, accessed May 16, 2024,

[7] "Accelerating YOLOv3-Tiny on FPGA." Gitcode. Available at: