ECE 5760 deals with system-on-chip and FPGA in electronic design. The course is taught by Hunter Adams, who is a staff member in Electrical and Computer Engineering. ECE 5760 thanks INTEL/ ALTERA for their donation of development hardware and software, and TERASIC for donations and timely technical support of their hardware.
Final Projects | Assignments | Staff/Schedule | Links | Lectures (2020)
Assignments Lab exercises | Reading
Lab Assignments
- Hardware ODE solver with HPS control
- Mandelbrot Set Visualizer
- Multiprocessor drum synthesis
- Final Project
Hunter's Lectures (2020), Bruce's Lectures (2019), Lectures (2017, hackaday)
Final projects
Old lab assignments, ideas for labs
Old DE2, DE2-115 web page last used in 2016 and Lectures (2011)
Reading Assignments
- All semester:
- Policy
Tektronix TDS1002 oscilloscope manual - B&K 4040a signal generator manual
- DE1-SoC Users Manual, Schematic, GPIO Ports
- Resources available on our Cyclone5.
- Policy
- Lab 1:
- Review Synthesizable Verilog syntax Synthesis Methodology
- Read Linux on DE1-SoC
- Read University Program DE1-SoC_Computer_15_1
- SoC-FPGA Design Guide EPFL, Sahand Kashani-Akhavan and René Beuchat (local copy)
- You are going to be programming C to display waveforms on the VGA subsystem.
Therefore you are expected to be able to program in Linux/GCC. Read about:- /dev/mem for i/o mapping, e.g. simtec and local
- Debian Linux. We are using a Debian variant, I believe.
- GCC on Linux, e.g.
- USB on DE1-SoC
- You are going to connect the VGA controller using Qsys tools. Read about:
- Digital Differential Analyser
- External Bus to Avalon Bridge (external master)
- Avalon to External Bus Bridge (external slave)
- Using external buses
- Using ModelSim to test computations
- Review Synthesizable Verilog syntax Synthesis Methodology
- Lab 2:
- Lab 3:
- Mandelbrot_set
- Implementation on Cyclone2 (note that the DE1 mentioned here is NOT Cyclone5)
Schedule and Staff Schedule | Staff
- Lecture: MWF 1225-1315 -- Snee Hall Geological Sci 2146
- Lab Sections: MWF 1445 -1600 -- Phillips Hall 238
- Instructor: V. Hunter Adams --; office:Phillips 208
TA: ?
Retired instructor: Bruce Land,
Links Cornell | Altera | Verilog
- Cornell staff maintained pages
- Final Projects and some ideas
----- Lectures and background ------ - Verilog summary
- Linux on HPS
- Remote Access to FPGA and ECE5760 remote desktop
- Cyclone5_SE_A5 overview
- Qsys (Platform Designer) bus design
- Quartus IP Library
- ADC and DAC on DE1-SoC
----- Design examples for Quartus 18.1------ - Quartus 18.1 examples
- ----- Design examples for Quartus 15.0------
- FPGA memory
- pThreads on HPS
- UDP and ethernet
- HPS-FPGA Communication (PIO, FIFO and DMA)
- University Computer graphics/sound
- Avalon bus-master peripheral (with HPS)
- Floating point hardware for Cyclone5
----- Applications --------- - DSP on DE1-SoC
- Floating Point Digital Differential Analyser for Cyclone5
- Lattice Boltzmann solver
- ----- Verification -----------
- Quartus Prime compilation process
- Signal-Tap logic analyzer
- HOLA Homebrew logic analyser
- TimeQuest and *.sdc files
- Using ModelSim
- Power estimation in Quartus
- GPIO header for DE1-SoC -- Scope connection
----------------------------- - DE1-SOC literature
- Experimenting with DE1-SOC
- ----- Student DE1-SOC ------
- DE1-SOC Evaluation Ahmed Kamel
- Cyclone4 intro for ece3400
- Final Projects and some ideas
- DE2 and DE2-115 pages
- DE2 hardware and processor examples (excluding NiosII)
- FPGA memory
- Stack CPU
- NiosII assembler examples
- NiosII GCC examples
- NiosII MicroC/OS examples
- FPGA as an Digital Differential Analyzer (Analog Computer)
- Neural Models on the FPGA
- Simple Floating Point hardware
- VGA examples --
- NTSC Video
- Stocastic Chemical Reactions (hackaday)
- The Quick and Dirty Guide to Using ModelSim with Quartus -- by Julie Wang 2014
- ------DE2-115 --------------
- DE2-115 top level, pin connections and
- Using SDRAM
- Altera University Program
- Design cookbook -- examples
- ALL versions of the University Program (version 9 and up)
- ALTERA Literature and DE2 resources
- QUARTUS II design software
- VERILOG in QUARTUS II, Simulation, Timing, SignalTap
- Memory Init File (mif) format
- Advanced Synthesis Cookbook
- Recommended HDL style
- Reocomended design practice: chapter 11
- HDL Design Guidelines: 11-3
- Inferring RAM memory: page 12-8
- Inferring ROM memory: 12-27
- Inferring shift-registers: 12-30
- Inferring multipliers: 12-3
- Tristate devices -- Do not use for internal signals. 12-41
- Unintential Latches: 12-37
- Verilog
- Verilog Gotcha's and more, and more
- and IEEE standard
- Nonblocking Assignments in Verilog Synthesis, Coding Styles That Kill! (Cliff Cummings)
- Blocking/nonblocking assignments
- Verilog tutorial (asic-world)
- Quick Reference (Sutherland HDL)
- Verilog synthesis methodology (Finbarr O’Regan (
- Verilog HDL coding (Freescale)
- Testbench Primer (Lattice)
- General design information